How Video Testimonials Drive Trust and Boost Sales:

Video Testimonials

Have you ever researched or bought something online? Did you know that 93% of customers will read online reviews before making a purchase? This is true for everything from restaurants to household supplies. Why is this important? It’s because customers are looking for reassurance before parting with their hard-earned money.

Videos Add Trust

Does the product or service live up to its expectations? How well is it built? How does it function? How trustworthy is the business? What, if any, are the problems buyers encounter? Reviews represent multiple experiences of real people and are seen as more impartial than any opinions or information that is offered by a brand. When you add reviews – or testimonials – to your website, you are adding an element of credibility.

A whopping 97% of customers say that reviews help them make buying decisions, while 92% say when there are no reviews, they hesitate to buy because of decreased transparency. Have you ever run across a testimonial that just gives the reviewer’s initials? There is no proof that it wasn’t manufactured and posted to the site. How is that believable?

Authenticity, Engagement, and Conversion Power

Powerful Customer Testimonials

Customer Testimonial Videos are without a doubt the most powerful form of content you can provide. Your happy clients and raving fans are your best sales force.

It’s been shown over and over again that the best method of testimonials is video. Video is more engaging. A video testimonial is more shareable. And video converts at a much higher rate than text by far. When you use video testimonials, you can’t fake facial expressions or tone of voice. Word of mouth has always been a powerful marketing tool. Hearing about someone else’s success will convince others that they can have the same experience.

Not only are video testimonials a powerful marketing tool, but they also make engaging social posts. When using a written testimonial, they all look the same. But with video, you can show your diverse customer base, and prospective buyers will likely find someone they can identify with. The more someone identifies with your customer, the more effective that testimonial will be. Hearing someone’s honest opinion could be the one factor that makes a web visitor hit the “buy” button.

Video Testimonials Are Believable

What makes video testimonials so powerful? One word – believability. Your customer should share a story, not just say, “I used this product, and I loved it.” They should briefly mention their original problem (remember, your business solves problems), then explain how they found you – whether through a referral or a Google search. Next, they can describe the buying process and how the product worked for them. To wrap up, a great way to end the testimonial is by asking how they would recommend your business to their friends.

You can record video testimonials yourself with a camera or a phone, but for maximum impact, you should consider investing in professionally produced video testimonials. The cost can be surprisingly affordable. When hiring a professional videographer, they will make sure that the scene, the lighting, and the audio are the best they can be for your testimonial.

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Professional Video Testimonials Make All the Difference

Video Testimonials Ron Harper

A professional video company is skilled in interviewing. Ron’s videos are awesome for placing on YouTube, social media, and all over your website!

Ron Harper will talk to the subject beforehand, help make them comfortable, and find the elements of their story that will resonate with your customers.

In relating a story about a product or service, most often there is one particular element that will stand out. That is the one thing that you do not want to hide deep inside the testimonial. You want to bring something like that up front so it peaks the viewer’s interest and compels them to watch the rest of the testimonial.

Our professional videography team will edit the video to make that happen. They may also suggest words or phrases that express the subject’s views clearly or more effectively.

Have Our Team Create Videos For Your Website

Studies have shown that a minimum of three videos increases time spent on your page and fires up engagement. When you do have multiple video testimonials, Put one, or rotate them on your home page. Put one on your product page, or make a separate section for all your videos. Remember, people buy from people they know, like and trust. Nothing you can do will make people trust you more than using video testimonials.

Want to build trust and boost your sales with impactful video testimonials? Our expert videographer, Ron Harper, is ready to help you create powerful, engaging content. Contact our full-service marketing team today to get started!