Quality content is about writing well-organized, easy-to-read articles people want to read. Great content can be written to teach, persuade or entertain your visitors. Want to write better content? Choose topics related to your business goals, and it becomes a win-win for the client and for your conversion rate! Generally, people explore websites for two reasons, that is to determine if you sell the products they are seeking, or to research the features of the products and services. Great websites provide both!
Great Website Content Is Readable
People are more likely to stay on a website that is well organized, and the content is easy on the eyes. Here are some considerations.
- A strong headline is a statement or question that addresses the concerns of your ideal audience.
- H2 headings like the ones used in this blog include searchable keywords. This makes the content scannable and easy to find. People love lists! This format makes digesting the information easy to read and consume. Write out your top “10 Ways” items, then explain in paragraphs and bullet lists.
- Charts to visualize the data add value and interest to your article.
- Use only text and background colors that make the reading experience easy, such as black text on a light background.
- Examine the font size. A larger font is easier to read. People are turned off by fonts that are too small, or too tight.
Include a Search Function To Your Website To Make Content Easy To Find
Make your pages and the content it contains findable from both a Google standpoint and by using a search box.
- Add the topic (keywords) to the menus and page title.
- Add a Search Feature to your website to make researching your website content easy to accomplish.
Great Headlines Invite Your Readers To Learn More
Start with writing truly awesome content. Write blogs or produce content that people are eager to read. Does this content help the reader? Write better content that is usable, and adds value. Will they appreciate you as an expert when reading your website content? Great content provides answers!
- Write a headline that intrigues your ideal audience. According to CopyBlogger, 80% of people will read your headlines, but only 20% of those people will read the rest of your content! You have one opportunity to catch the interest of your reader and invite them in to read the content.
- Look at the headline photo or graphic. Pictures tell a story. Does your selected image make you look at the content to learn more?
- People love stories! Go grab that cup of coffee and smile! Use your personal writing and reading style. It is OK to be funny.
Write Better Content that is Sharable
Encourage your readers to share the website content on social media. Add social media tools to make it easy to “Share to Facebook” or “Click to Tweet”.
- Look at the headline and the first two sentences. Is this Facebook-worthy?
- Will sharing your great content make your ideal customer look more interesting, or add value to their business? What is their WIIFM (What’s In It For Me) appeal?
Branding Yourself as The Business Expert
People love to research. Position yourself as an authority on the topic. Provide opportunities to learn about your specific products and services, read more nuggets about the sub-topics, and even better, people want to PURCHASE from an expert. Explain the subject matter well, and include content that leads your ideal client down the funnel to purchase.
- Actionable content encourages readers to take the next step. A great example is adding links about related topics, such as How To Design a Website Project Plan.
- While it is great to write content that provides answers, be sure to leave readers with questions. Encourage them to “read more” and thus link to other articles on your website, or content you for answers. Remember YOU are the expert. People do not expect to gain all the answers from one blog. They do want to purchase from an expert however!
Engage and Convert Your Audience
The more you know about your target audience, the easier it is to develop customer-centric content that will resonate with those you want to sell to. We use the expression here at LDR – to write better content for your ideal audience, and let the rest just listen in… Keep your blog audience engaged by updating every weekday with plenty of new articles. Not only do your readers appreciate the information, but Google also does! Frequently writing blogs and publishing across newsletters and social media platforms.
Looking for a company to help write your content? LDR loves helping companies put their website’s front and center with great content! Contact us to get started today!